How are those New Year’s Resolutions Going?
The first day of the New Year, many of us made New Year’s Resolutions about eating healthier, losing weight, and getting in shape. Our first few days of the New Year are a bustle of activity, as we set our sights on attaining those goals.
Unfortunately, as those days turn into weeks those ambitions are slowly eroded by time. We might not want to go for a walk because of the cold weather, or we’re tired from work. We’re tired of home cooked meals, so we decide to order out.
The result is that by early February, we’ve lost all that momentum from the New Year, and may have given up on those resolutions entirely. Yet, there are huge benefits to be gained if you don’t quit. We’d like to encourage you to keep your healthy goals, with a few suggestions on how to stay motivated.
Eat with us!
You’re tired and don’t want to cook, but you don’t have to order a calorie-packed pizza. Instead, come and dig into our fresh, handmade, Mediterranean cuisine. Not only will the work be done for you, but you’ll be keeping that resolution with some of the healthiest foods on the planet.
Nearly every aspect of Mediterranean food helps you maintain a healthy weight or benefits your body in some way. From the lemon we squeeze over our foods to the nutrition packed salads, every food on our menu has healthy ingredients.
Stay inspired
Why do you want to lose weight, or get fit? Do you want to finish a 5k? Do you want a beach body? Stay inspired by keeping regular reminders of what your end goal might look like. It’s also a good idea to break these goals up into smaller, more achievable ones.
If your goal is to win a 5k, you might not be able to achieve that your first race. You may instead want to make ‘finish the couch25k program’ your first goal, and continue with smaller goals like that until winning something is within sight.
Make Nutrition First
Feeling tired all the time isn’t just from having a busy day at work or not getting enough sleep. A lot of that tiredness comes from what you put in your body. You may not be able to sleep well if you’re not getting the right nutrition, or if there’s too much caffeine in your system.
If you’re too tired to work out, make food first. Always choose the healthiest option available, and don’t give up if you binge once or choose the wrong thing. We don’t make great decisions when we’re hungry or tired, so plan for those moments.
When you eat right, you often have the energy to make other healthier choices along the way. If you know you’re going to have a long day or be too busy to cook, plan on a healthy choice for eating out. If you frequently don’t have time to home cook a lunch, at least grab a piece of fresh fruit.
These small changes can make a huge difference, and help keep you going on the road to a healthier life. If you ever need encouragement, feel free to stop by our restaurant and let us help you with a healthy and refreshing meal to help keep you going the whole year long.