Study finds Women Live Much Longer on the Mediterranean diet
We’ve talked about how healthy the Mediterranean diet is on our blog before. Study after study has found that Mediterranean food can help with weight loss, improve cardiovascular health, and so much more.
Although we know the Mediterranean diet is healthy, it’s sometimes surprising just how many ways it can help. In a large-scale study that took place over 25 years, scientists measured how closely women followed a Mediterranean diet.
They found that the closer a woman followed the Mediterranean diet, the less likely they were to die from all causes. The scientists looked at this in detail, to try and weed out people who might just be using a little bit of olive oil and calling that the Mediterranean diet.
The closer someone followed a typical Mediterranean diet, the lower the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, as well as early death for any reason. Every step closer to adherence gave women a 5% or so reduction in risk of death.
What Sort of Foods Make Up the Mediterranean diet?
You can browse our menu to get a good idea of what’s on the menu. Mediterranean food is widely varied. It includes lots of fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains and legumes and fish, with chicken a bit more rarely and red meat less often than that.
Healthy eating has been a big part of Mediterranean food for a long time, so many vegetarian dishes are not only delicious, but healthy and rich in flavor. Choose more fruit and vegetable options than meat options, and avoid highly processes or sugary foods.
How to Start
If you want to say yes to better health and a longer life, stop by our restaurant and check out our healthy, delicious foods. Focus on the vegetables like one of our salads, as well as heart healthy olive oil, and filling foods like hummus.
At home, focus on vegetables. Add as many vegetables as possible in an array of colors, with the goal of at least half your plate being vegetables.
Every Bite Helps
Change comes hard. You might not be able to completely change your diet. The good news is that the study showed even small changes helped. Even if you only adapt your diet in small ways, it will still show in a reduced risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other causes of death.
The more you adhere to the Mediterranean diet, the lower your risks, but even a tiny change makes a difference.
We hope you’ll take this exciting new study as an opportunity to try healthy, delicious Mediterranean food. Stop by and see what is available. You can even order it at home with the convenience of our new apps.
Mediterranean food is incredibly healthy, and has clear benefits to those who eat it. Even though the focus of this study was on women, men can also benefit in reduced cancer rates, cardiovascular issues, and even things like dementia and depression.
There’s an enormous way Mediterranean food can help, and it all starts with the first bite.